Saturday July 15th

I would up around 7:30am, but I dozed off. I woke up again at about 8:30am and almost panicked. “I have a meeting with Mark today!”, I thought, “I have to be prepared!”. I went and got a coffee from Tims, and drove to Value Village to see what they have to choose from dress-pants and dress shirts. I got a nice pair of pants, and a shirt, but they didn’t have any change rooms to try them in. Apparently, they closed them during CONVID, and their shoplifting rate plummeted, so they never brought them back. The lady working there was very sweet, and told me of a trick she learned from a woman from Nairobi. There are no changing rooms in a market in Africa, so what they do is put the waistband against their neck and feel how far it goes around the neck. I did this, and it seemed to just barely fit around my neck, so I thought it fit, and got it. Dark chocolate from dollar tree.

The shirt I got was a medium. I am changing from large to medium sizes, as I noticed that I look like a bum with my shirt sizes being too large. Also, a lot of my wardrobe is worn, I need to start throwing basically everything out. So, looking like your homeless, when you’re not homeless, is one thing. Looking like your homeless, when you actually are homeless: that’s a bad thing! I went to the gym, and did 165 flights in 31 minutes – by the time I was finished, I was drenched. I showered, then, as I was standing in front of a mirror with my t-shirt on, confirmed: I do sort of look like a bum. As I was packing up and changing in the parking lot, I tossed the shirt. I liked it, it was red and not bad looking, but it’s time for a new chapter.

It turns out that the pants are at least 1 size too small, but the shirt fits wonderfully. In the future when I put my clothes into the wash, I am just going to put everything on delicate – that’s likely a big reason my clothes look too big. Oh also, the peanut butter finally spilled while in my food box. It was annoying, but I cleaned up, put on some jeans (stained, but fit perfectly), my work boots, and went to meet Mark at the truck depot. It was about 30 minutes away, and on the way, realized how little I care if I don’t get the job. I am prepared to get a U-Haul and pick up free metal all over the place, and be my own boss. Or apply for more jobs, or whatever.

Everything went fine, the question of lively arrangement was the trickiest to answer, but I did my best conveying that I did not have any sort of permanent address in the city, and was basically couch surfing. Actually, I feel like my arrangement is way better than couch surfing – although I don’t think other people see it that way. I read a health and safety package for like 20 minutes, and Mark walked me through the depot and showed me the basics, then got me my work gear. We got more comfortable with each other, and spoke about OpenAI for a bit. I told him how it’s not the enemy, but those that control it are, as well as how I’ve been sort of getting bored with it, and needing to use an opener before I ask it questions, to remove as many ESG filters as I can, and prevent cookie cutter non-answers.

They still use punch cards there, which I am excited about, since I have never used a physical punch card in my life. I looked at some of peoples work hours, and it looks like people pull about 11 or 12 hours a day, and it’s a Monday to Friday job, with occasional weekends. So, Mark said he will phone me today between 7 and 8pm, as well as text me the time to arrive, with other details. I came straight to my Tims base and pulled in next to Bob. See my gangster photo below. I’m not huge on photos, but this time, I felt it.

I feel like I already worked all day – I’m so tired! I got a booth at Tims, and now here I am. What am I to do? I should get some meat, maybe some leafy greens too. I asked some guys speaking real talk by the fake fireplace about a farmers’ market, and I found out about an indoor one, further into the city. It’s only open 8am-3pm on Saturday, so closed already for sure. Actually, I think I will just eat some avocado with garlic, onions, and beef jerky, or whatever I have left. I will still see what kind of sales are in Walmart, but I don’t think I want to fire up the grill today. I’m just exhausted. If anything else happens, I’ll put the update in tomorrow’s post. Adios!


Tims: $2.45    Value Village: $22.05        Dollar Tree: $1.60        Tims: $2.45        Total: $28.55

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